Friday, May 16, 2008

honey I'm Home

Hey kids! I'm back in lovely sunny AMERIKA!
I stayed a week in France and am now back in San Francisco / the Bay Area. I'm staying until Wednesday but will try to extend my ticket to next Sunday so I have more time. Yesterday I went to Walgreens and bought $200 worth of american hygiene products and drugs (tylenol, neosporin, etc.) for my trip back to yermany. It took me an hour to get home because BART was delayed and malfunctioning due to the heat. There was no air conditioner on my train and people were tense. Somewhere behind me I heard the following:
(into a phone) "Oh, it's nothing I'm just on BART and people are fucking nosy."
"Well when you're on a train and you're speaking loud so everyone can hear you it's card to NOT notice."
"Shut up bitch."
"Fuck you."
Ah, yes, it is good to be home among my peoples. Or at least to be able to grab a bunch of cheap Tylenol, deodorant, and root beer and run, run like hell.

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