Saturday, April 26, 2008

Things To Buy In The States

Before I begin the list, let me note that the conversion rate from euro to dollar is pretty horrendous. It has been getting worse every day since I arrived, meaning that my rent goes up about $10 per month. The rate is now somewhere around 1 euro = $1.60. Hence, all the ridiculous petty items I need to buy from home (I've included the price change in parenthesis so you can see what I mean).

ROOT BEER (non-existent)
Tortillas (5 euro =$7.50 for 5 flour tortillas in Berlin- corn tortillas non-existent)
Refried Beans (vegetarian / canned) (non-existent)
Bottles of Tylenol / Ibuprofen (9 euro = $12 for 18 caplets)
Sammy hair gel (non-existent)
Biore strips / face wash (non-existent)
New shoes: boots, sneaks (50 euro - 80 euro = $75 - $120)
Socks (4 euro per pair = $6.00)
American to European Adapter (I can't seem to find these anywhere)
Shower Rod (it's like $45 here! Dude!)

Things to bring back:
Tape measure (because I never got used to the metric system really...)
Some good books

Things I need to do:
renew driver's license
get a hair cut (easier to explain in English)


tigerlil said...

wow that's like a 1.50 per tortilla! and I don't even like the flour ones. my store started carrying these handmade blue cornmeal ones that were out of this world. the first time they sold the whole pak (10 or 12) for .75 cents by mistake. I was elated. After that they're a normal 2.95 (or something) as designer tortillas often are priced. they're organic, too ~ yum. I must admit I didn't buy them after the price went "up"

tigerlil said...

ps I'm confused. I thought this was a recent post ; (

interestingly it's dated as my b-day this year (strange coincidence). I'll try to post to current topics next time