On Saturday, Schnitzel and I went to the Sugimoto exhibit at the Neu National Gallery. Sugimoto's works largely deal with perspective and the intricacy of everyday phenomenon. His newest segment, Lightning Fields, is simply amazing. Negatives of photos of lightning bolts are hung in front of a lit screen (much in the same way x-rays are observed by doctors). The result is that you can see all the "fibers" of the bolts, and the intricate root-like patterns within. It was pretty amazing. We took home a poster of Sugimoto's portrait of the diorama at Madame Tussards of Henry the 8th. Sugimoto's website is here in case you want to take a look: http://www.sugimotohiroshi.com/ We also saw a temporary exhibit on Rupprecht Geiger who is now 100 years old and experimenting with bright neon colors that are almost too much for human perception. Take that young people.

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