-Pleasantly surprised that rideshare guy is not a Psycho Maniac but instead drives very nice Mercedes / speaks little English
-Stay with friend Tom near outskirts of Prague in his mother's room
-Schnitzel eats a basket of animals & Tom orders a "redundant" (non-alcoholic) beer
-We see our friends Eats Tapes at the Kriss Kross Club

Day 2
-I dream about getting falafel at Mo's Imbiss.
-We see a mouse riding a dog near the St. Charles Bridge.
-Have lunch at a beer-sponsored restaurant
-The Castle: attempt 1
-Schnitzel orders "the pork knee over gynecological equipment"
-We getting ripped off as our waiter tries to charge us 5 euros for a take-away box.

Day 3
-Go to the Czech equivalent of K-Mart.
-See gargoyles puking rain at the Castle and the line is too long to go inside.
-Schnitzel orders an undead cocktail
-Regard 1920s Royal Spanish Porn at the Sex Machines Museum
-Eat dinner at a Merlin-themed pub where Schnitzel orders something called "The Devil's Ring" consisting of every fried food known to man
-Attempted Drum and Bass club is actually a 1960s Czech Acid Rock Party
-I try to go to Radost FX a club that used to be cool and now is what Schnitzel calls an "ESL Dance Party"
-We arrive at just in time to see the sun rising over the protruding bums of the Alien Babies climbing the radio tower.

Day 4
-Ride share guy says smoking engine is "An Easy Fix" and we decide to take the train -Discover Swedish High Schoolers have booked all the seats
-I ride for two and a half hours facing the sun in a locked compartment with 15 other travelers.
-(Finally) Berlin.
-We are home / exhausted.

More pictures here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/everythingandrobots/sets/72157604933126290/
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